Live from Cape Hatteras


Made For This | Inside the Ozone Factory

Made For This | Inside the Ozone Factory

From Ozone: Join Ruben Lenten on an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the Ozone factory in Vietnam. Find out about the scale of the operation, the evolution, processes, working conditions, tech, custom designs and artistry that goes into every product! Parapex...

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Masen Barley Reviews the Pyzel Grom Ghost

Masen Barley Reviews the Pyzel Grom Ghost

With a last name like “Barley”, tube riding comes at an early age. As we continue to build out our grom surfboard content, 10 year old Masen Barley dives in to share his experience on the Pyzel Grom Ghost. If...

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Lopez family summer vacation on the Outer Banks

Lopez family summer vacation on the Outer Banks

World renowned professional surfer Cory Lopez and his family know a good summer vacation when they see it. Their last seven months saw them trotting the globe to find the best waves and contests in the world.  One stop that’s...

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Off the Lip with David Vernor

Off the Lip with David Vernor

David Vernor celebrates 20,000+ surfboards on the “Off the Lip” radio show with host Terry Campion.  Widely regarded as one of the hardest working shapers/board builders in the industry, David reveals the backstories behind his revolutionary I-Beam construction, how windsurfing...

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Brett Barley picking up a few…

Brett Barley picking up a few…

You know what they say, when you can’t surf that’s when it pumps. Or when you can’t surf, that’s when all your new boards show up.  REAL teamrider Brett Barley recently stopped by to pick up the start of his...

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Why Surfers are Learning to Wing

Why Surfers are Learning to Wing

Matt Nuzzo joins REAL team rider James Jenkins on the water, as he shows surfers Quentin Turko and Cole Cutter the ropes on how to wing foil. "For a day with no waves and it's blowing 20 from the South, it...

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