Cash Souter SMTH Shapes Grom Surfboard Quiver

REAL teamrider and ESA All Star Cash Souter put together a well thought out quiver of SMTH Shapes and stepped up his game in every condition, grovel to overhead tubes. These reviews follow 12 (now 13) year old Cash through a year of surfing, and roughly 15 pounds of upsizing. 

SMTH Drive Thru : Groveling the minis.
SMTH Eighty 8 : Step up for the big stuff. 

Comparing dims, volumes and surfer weights is always on the forefront when digging into grom boards. So is taking your surfing to the next level, as Cash is immersed in a pretty competitive bunch. Right out of the blocks it was obvious these boards were more bladed out with noticeably thinner rails. On the very first session you could see Cash putting more rail in the water and surfing them more aggressively. He took the rest from there!

Big thanks to Graham Smith for all the killer shapes and Matt Keenan for your decades of competitive insight and support. For more info on the SMTH Shapes grom collection, or to order yourself a dialed in quiver of any of the SMTH Shapes, you can always reach us at or call 252-987-6000
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