Armstrong Foil Bag

by Armstrong • SKU ARM19FOILBAGMD
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Product Information


Item Length (mm) Height (mm) Width (mm)
Kit bag - M 950 200 300
Kit bag - XL 1330 200 300

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Chris S
Convenient bag!

All of your foil gear will stay safe and organized in this compact travel/ storage bag. Everything fits well and is easy and quick to access, even if you want to assemble your foil on a small boat. A must have if you want to travel with your foil and keep everything together in one place. Good quality on the materials and zippers.

Joey Harpstrite
Awesome Foil Bag for traveling

Armstrong designed a great foil bag to store your set up in for storage, traveling or just being on the go. You can fit multiple wings and the bag is great for storing your set up in the car or house post-session. It has a specific compartment for the fuselage and a handy pocket for all your hardware. Solid product.

Michael Phaneuf
Great bag for all your foil needs

The bag is perfect for the foiler on the go. You can carry all your different wing sizes in one bag. There's even a pocket for tools and hardware which is super convenient for keeping all the important tiny parts together at the beach.

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