Axis Black Fuselage

by Axis • SKU AX22BFUSELAGE703
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Product Information


From Axis

When we started designing our next generation wing collection, we realized that the 2021 high performance wings required their own style fuselage. We felt that whoever wants to ride fast, wouldn't want to compromise on the wing design and fairing of their high performance wings, just to have them compatible with their existing fuselages.

Higher performance foil sections with lower camber, different profile, and narrower chord, have resulted to thinner wings, where the connection to the fuselage is smaller.

  • Compatible with both our Aluminium and Carbon masts. Available in Standard, Short, Ultrashort, Crazyshort and Windsurf sizes. Go longer for stability, shorter for manoeuvrability. With the modular nature of the AXIS system, it’s easy to progress to shorter fuselage lengths over time without having to change any other component
Package Includes
  • Aluminum Fuselage
  • Assembly Hardware Sold Separately

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