Core XR Pro Kite

by Core • SKU 684811520942
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REAL Review



Pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.




The best big air kite made of the best airframe material. Designed as a competition instrument, the XR Pro knows only one direction: higher, faster, further. Supercharged by the Aluula airframe plus design adjustments, three big air key features had significant enhancements: Faster loops, earlier catching, elevated high-end performance. To unlock maximum performance, compromises in comfort were accepted. It's clear for whom we developed this model: all the big boosters and fearless kite loopers who crave it now more than ever.


6.0 | 7.0 | 8.0 | 9.0 | 10.0 | 12.0

  • New! ALUULA AIRFRAME: stiffest and lightest airframe material
  • CORETEX® 2 CANOPY: low-stretch, robust with high UV protection
  • 5 STRUT FRAME: optimum stability in all flight attitudes
  • DELTA BOW SHAPE: full power and a lot of depower
  • INTELLIGENT ARC: finely controllable enormous power
  • CIT MODES: flight character, bar forces and reactivity individually adjustable
  • INSTANT RELAUNCH: effortless water launches
  • SPEED PUMP SYSTEM: easy and fast ventilation
XR Pro Weight Compared to XR8

XR Pro 12m Weight: 7.1 Lbs

XR8 12m Weight: 8.1 Lbs

Package Includes:
  • Kite
  • Bag

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Average Joe to Pro

This kite is perfect for anyone looking to push their riding to the next level. I've ridden a few different brands, and even as a relative beginner this kite is my favorite that I've tried. It flies so well and has been a great kite for progressing my jumping. Almost all of the advanced riders I know ride this as their go-to kite, and I can understand why.

Esben Boxer
Xr on roids

The xr pro is a huge advancement in the core xr lineup. The kite has a more rigid frame creating a new dynamic feel. More responsive, reactive and aggressive. Like a MMA fighter in the octagon, ready to battle!

Michael Phaneuf
Worth every penny! Best BOOSTING kite!

Don't let the high price tag deter you. You'll find the significant performance increase worth every penny.

The XR PRO is now my go-to favorite kite for jumping. The response of this new kite is VERY impressive. The stiffness of the leading edge, combined with the super light weight makes for a fast, direct-steering feel that takes my jumping to the next level. This kite kite rips me off the water, hangs me at the apex for what feels like forever, and brings me down soft like an elevator. I have the 8m, 9m, 10m and 12m and they all bring the impressive performance increase to the table. However, where I really feel the performance increase is in high-powered kite loops.

This kite loops so predictably. It has more yank than you'd expect for a bow kite, and catches you in the blink of an eye. The recovery time is mind bogglingly fast. As soon as you point the kite up and sheet out, it is already climbing for the catch. This is the confidence inspiring performance that you need to take your riding to the next level.

Austin Leder
Best jumping kite

Core once again pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with a kite. The xr pro for me takes all the great attributes of the nexus and combines it with the great attributes of the xr 8. Faster turning, quicker recovery in the loops while still jumping super high like the xr8. Don’t let the word pro scare you as this is a great addition to someone’s quiver who wants to jump higher or if you have bigger xrs and want to add in a high wind kite like 7 or 8m. The structure and high pressure aluula frame makes the kite keep its shape in those gusty over powered conditions something that you can’t accomplish with a standard material leading edge. I can’t recommend this kite more if you have the money and want the best big air kite on the market look no further.

WOW ! what a beast !

I have been riding CORE for many years , XR was always lacking of good looping and turning speed. XR8 was great improvement over that but XR Pro is step beyond that. it is like M Power version of BMW. Loops are effortless and recovery after very quick , huge vertical boosting . You can start your heli loops earlier so it will let you float farther with multiple loops . Upwind riding angle is bigger so less tacks to go back upwind . IT is big air looping machine , Well done CORE!

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