Smith Redding Sunglasses-Matte Tort/Chroma Gl Brn Polar

by Smith • SKU 716736167695
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From Smith

The Redding represents a new era in an 8 base wrap technology. The classic styling with modern looks is injection molded in Italy and has premium ChromaPop Plus, ChromaPop Glass, and Techlite Glass for unsurpassed optical clarity. Narrow lightweight temples, out-of-sight spring hinges, and megol nose and temple pads provide a detailed and secure fit for all-day comfort. If you're looking for optimal craftsmanship combined with high-end materials and lenses then the Redding is your choice to tackle any adventure.

  • Lightweight, scratch-resistant Techlite polarized glass lenses cut glare
  • ChromaPop lenses are polarized to cut glare, and they enhance contrast and natural color to make the details pop
  • ChromaPop Glass polarized lenses cut glare and enhance color and contrast while being highly scratch-resistant
  • 100% UV protection
  • Medium fit, small coverage
  • 8-base lens curvature offers a wraparound fit
  • Megol temple and nose pads provide non-slip grip so glasses stay put
  • Spring hinges self-adjust to your face for a snug, comfortable fit
  • Evolve bio-based frame material is lightweight and durable

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