Smith Sway Sunglasses-Tort/Chromapop Brown Polar

by Smith • SKU 716736840079
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Product Information


From Smith

Clean, classic design spans the ages. The Smith Sway sunglasses elevate the classic cat-eye with with thicker, oversize frames that push a fun, modern vibe. The bio-based frames have soft rubber, non-slip nose pads and adjustable corewire temples that let you create a custom fit that holds tight while you're busy living the good life. Color- and contrast-boosting ChromaPop lenses give you a clear read on the day ahead.

  • ChromaPop polarized lenses cut glare and enhance color and contrast
  • Carbonic polarized lenses cut glare, offer impact-resistance and clear optics
  • Smudge and moisture-resistant coatings for easy cleaning and clear optics
  • Medium fit, large coverage
  • 4-base lens curvature
  • Flatter frame for an everyday, casual fit
  • Megol nose pads provide non-slip grip so glasses stay put
  • Adjustable corewire for a customized fit
  • Evolve bio-based frame material is lightweight and durable
  • Custom Smith logo hinges

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