Lift Foils High Aspect X Wing

by Lift Foils • SKU LIF23HAX110
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Product Information


From Lift
110 High Aspect X

The 110 High Aspect X is our highest aspect wing to date. It’s as fast as the 90 HA with the pump of the 120 HA. If you have the skills to master this wing, it will provide unmatched pumping and downwind efficiency.

It demands to be ridden at a quick pace, but the glide it gives in return is relentless. This wing is sure to win a downwind race or two.

Wing Tech Specs:

  • Aspect Ratio: 13.1
  • Surface Area: 110 in2 / 710 cm2
  • Wingspan: 38" / 96.5 cm

150 High Aspect X

The 150 High Aspect X has been our most anticipated and requested wing to date. The ace of spades for downwind foiling enthusiasts. This wing has the speed of the 120 HA with the pump (or more) of the 170 HA.

With a wingspan of 39 inches, this wing is a true glider, but don’t let the wingspan fool you. The 150 High Aspect X can still lean into a nice carve when needed and is user-friendly to ride. We expect this wing to be a staple in the Lift lineup for many years to come.

Wing Tech Specs:

  • Aspect Ratio: 10.1
  • Surface Area: 150 in2 / 970 cm2
  • Wingspan: 39" / 99 cm

180 High Aspect X

The 180 HA-X draws its inspiration from the DNA of the 150 HA-X, but in an easier to ride, higher-lift form. Meticulous adjustments to the camber, wingspan, and aspect ratio have created a wing that boasts not only limitless glide and exceptional pumping capabilities, but also embodies the inherent surfy sensation that defines Lift’s unique ride quality.

Wing Tech Specs:

  • Aspect Ratio: 9.3
  • Surface Area: 180 in2 / 1161 cm2
  • Wingspan: 41" / 104 cm

220 High Aspect X

The 220 HA-X showcases an unprecedented level of lift and efficiency, surpassing any wing we've previously crafted. It’s the quintessential choice for those embarking on the journey of learning downwind foiling, pumping, and winging in light breezes. It also presents an opportunity to expand your eFoil range into a new stratosphere.

Even with its large surface area and effortless lift, this wing remains efficient and maneuverable, ensuring riders of all skill levels can appreciate its performance.

Wing Tech Specs:

  • Aspect Ratio: 8.4
  • Surface Area: 220 in2 / 1419 cm2
  • Wingspan: 43" / 109 cm
Package Includes
  • Front Wing
  • Wing Cover
  • Hardware and Tool
  • Back Wing Sold Separately

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ultra Gliders

These wings are definitely different than the regular HA line, and for a more specialized use. For reference I am 6'4" 190lb.

I found the 150 HAX to be a better size for me. I used it for a prone foil downwinder where I need a wing that had lots of glide and pump which is exactly what it delivered. Right away I was surprised how controllable it was for its massive wing span, and especially with how much flex the wings tips had out of the water when on land. I've ridden other high aspect wings with span like that which are nearly uncontrollable, but this wasn't the case with this 150HAX. Every little bump of power I could find seemed to give it enough power to pick up and glide no problem. This isn't a wing I would use for just regular prone surf foiling on a single break doing laps because the turning is pretty stiff, but for going downwind and covering distance, this thing glides really really well.

The 110 HAX just felt too small for me. I needed a wave with a little more power to get up and go at the start and to build enough speed to get the wing in its sweet spot that it likes. For pumping it just felt too small for my size. For smaller riders in the 140-160lb rang, (or just better foilers than me) I could see this being an insane wing. It is crazy fast, so if your looking for speed with your glide, this is it.

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