Armstrong Power Link Control Bar

by Armstrong • SKU ARM20PLB
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Product Information

REAL Review


The Armstrong Power Link Control Bar is a lightweight carbon bar that you can strap on to the handles of any brand inflatable wing.  This bar adds power to the wing, increases your wind range on the top and bottom end, and it makes transitions a lot easier.

More Power:

You get more power in your wing with the Power Link Control Bar because your hands come closer together which puts the leading edge higher into the wind and the wing farther away from you. 

More Depower:

In overpowered conditions you can move your front hand to the front handle or Y handle and your back hand moves up the Control Bar toward the front handles.  This allows you to bleed off more wind with less fatigue.

Transitions Are Easier:

With the carbon bar between the two handles, you can easily grab for the Power Link and not miss on transitions.  This is great when riding waves or learning to wing, so you can focus on staying on your foil rather than looking for the handles.

One Hand Wave Riding:

The Control Bar is centered on the wing between the two handles.  This makes it a balance point and allows you can hold the wing with one hand while you are riding.  This is awesome for wave riding or transitions.

What’s Included:
  • Power Link Carbon Control Bar with velcro straps
  • Replacement velcro strap set 

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Austin Waclo
Essential Learning Tool

This addition is perfect for smaller riders especially during the beginning stages of winging. The power link control bar allows the rider to slowly progress their way through the power of the wing without having to make the big jump to the back handles right away. Very simple to mount and stays put the whole session.

Not ideal for Duotone Unit

Doesn’t fit the Duotone Unit 6m wing very well. That’s probably due to where Duotone has the handles set. It’s also very slippery...wish the bar had traction/grip. Great idea, just not ideal for Duotone 6m

Travis Tabeling
Must Have for A Wing Owners

This little invention gives you the perfect place to put your back hand while riding. It allows you to slide your back to find the perfect balance point depending on where you are placing your front hand. Its a simply constructed piece of carbon and is very light weight.

Graham Reed
Must have

Early on I was initially drawn to the Duotone boom style wings, but ended up going the inflatable strut style and I have been pretty content with 3 handles (f-one) and more recently only two handles (BRM). Then enter the Power Link. Best of both worlds!

Just had my first session with this guy and it blew my mind! Riding swell it allows complete freedom to grab wherever it feels most natural. Two hands (or one) close to the center feels great in gybes /carving waves, as you can keep the wing where you want it without worrying about handle passes.

One handed powered riding feels amazing when riding ‘toeside’. Also, when practicing tacks, I grabbed the bar by accident and completed the maneuver. So easy to really pump the wing to power up when switching through the window.

Tip for BRM riders, get a few feet of 1/8” spectra so you can easily adapt the bar to the different sized wings’ attachment points and handles. Just create a few loops and bingo. You can also create y handles and tie in with the bar for a SUPER rigid setup.

Matt Nuzzo
An accessory for any wing on the market

I have used the Power Link on a few different types of wings and it makes them fly and work better. It is a really simple idea to put a bar between the front and back handles.

You can ride both hand on it for max power. This puts the leading edge forward and into the wind more, moves the wing farther away from you and it will make any wing more power full.

In over power conditions, you get more range because you can move your back hand up the bar toward toward the leading edge. This lets you bleed air out of the back and not over strain your back arm.

Transitioning is killer with the Power Link because you can just reach to the middle, grab the bar and one hand your wing.

Overall this is an amazing product that will be a killer upgrade on any wing on the market.

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