2022 North Sonar Mid Aspect Wing

by North • SKU 8715738766389
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Product Information

REAL Review


From North

The new MA1050 Front Wing is the ultimate for lightweight riders (or for heavier riders on windier days). An agile, fast-turning wing with incredible speed range and maneuverability. Suitable for Kite, Wing, Surf and Tow Foiling.

The new MA1200 Front Wing is your go-to wing for when the breeze is up or for bigger waves. Balanced feel and powered-up performance, with exceptional maneuverability. Suitable for Kite, Wing, Surf and Tow Foiling.

The new MA1350 Front Wing is a mid-aspect ratio wing ideal for all rider weights. Easily generates lift without pumping. This performance wing is fast turning, with early planning ability for lighter wind conditions or heavier riders. Suitable for Kite, Wing, Surf and Tow Foiling.

  • Carbon Pre-Preg
  • Insane glide and pumpability
  • Fast and responsive turning radius
  • All round versatility: wing-surf-kite-tow
  • Your go-to front wing - a must-have essential for every foil quiver
Package Includes
  • Front Wing with Cover
  • Mounting Hardware

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Travis Tabeling
Very Slow Surf Foil

I rode the 1200MA in 2ft surf on a 72cm mast and the larger tail wing. The foil has plenty of lift and turns really well but it is painfully slow and really difficult to pump. It can pump, but you really need to bear down on it to get it to cycle and it leaves you blasted once you get out the back. It is stable and easy to ride though. The Sonar system as a whole is a great carbon system at a great price. You can surf foil on this system if you are just starting out but I think it would make a better light wind kite foil than a surf foil and feels like something you may grow out of rather quickly if you are getting just to surf foil.

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