North Pioneer Trainer Kite-2m

by North • SKU 8715738674325
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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

I'm an instructor at REAL and I've used this trainer kite with many students. The high quality construction of this kite is really noticeable compared to other ones I've used, which is what you want when someone is learning and crashing it on the ground a lot. The Pioneer is very stable in the air, and doesn't stall toward the neutral edge. Responsive and intuitive. This is a great tool for learning and refining kite skills, and teaching other members of your family or friends.

Great little trainer kite

I found this trainer kite to be super user friendly for the first time beginner. The kite sits noticeably deeper in the wind window than other traditional trainer kites. Some other trainers will fly so far to the outside of the window that they begin to stall out and become unresponsive. This doesn't have that issue at all. I also found that after it crashes, you're almost always able to just pull on the lines to get it to flip around and relaunch without having to have someone else run downwind and grab the trainer to re launch. Overall very user friendly trainer.

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