2020 North Toolless Interloop

by North • SKU 8715738661349
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Product Information


From North

Change quickly between disciplines with our toolless interchangeable loop connection system.

Size Chart
  • Short Freeride Loop- Surf | Freeride
    Enables closer reach for smaller riders.
  • Standard Freeride Loop- All terrain | Freeride |Freestyle
    Stock Loop on Navigator Control Bars.
  • Freestyle Long Loop- Freestyle | Unhooked | Wakestyle
    Advanced riders only *no security finger
  • Slide Surf Loop- Surf | Foil
    For ultimate freedom, really excels in toeside riding *For use with rope harness.
Package Includes
  • Loop with LockGuard Safety Ring

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Awesome design

What a killer design! Some other brands offer different chicken loop options, but they are all a pain to install. This North Interloop quickly pops on and off in under 15 seconds.

I really like this option for being able to go between the standard chicken loop when riding on the twintip in flat water, then quickly switch to the short surf version when I want to ride in the waves with my surf rope slider bar.

I think this will also be really nice for people with shorter reach or kids, who can install the Short Freeride loop to bring the bar a little bit closer in so they can reach the bar and depower.

Works well. Smart design!

Thomas Kogut
Toolless Interloop

Loop tested in Dakhla in July

This is one of the big features of the navigator bar. Toolless loop changing is going making changing from a surf to standard loops as easy as changing FCS2 fins. I was able to change a loop in under 5sec without screw driver or hammer🤯 . A loop for every rider so get tuned up and enjoy the benefits using the loop to make you a better rider on every session.

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