Core Choice 6 Kiteboard

by Core • SKU 684811525916
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Product Information


From Core

The Big Air Freestyler

Experience the ultimate adrenaline rush with unrivaled performance

The Choice is CORE's high performance twintip for innovative moves and progressive style. In its sixth generation, it has been completely redesigned and has been given new features that will benefit your big air passion in particular. At high speeds, the edge grips even better thanks to the new rail concave and the more angled fins - ideal for charged pre-pops and explosive jumps. The Choice 6 also shines when freeriding with an extremely comfortable ride, combined with high agility and playfulness. This makes the Choice 6 suitable not only for Pros, but for anyone looking for sporty riding characteristics with high big-air potential.

  • NEW! CARTAN® 2 CARBON: Thinner, stronger carbon fibre fabric with 80% less cutting waste
  • NEW! RAIL CHANNELS & ANGLED FINS: Massive grip for explosive pops and take-off
  • NEW! GREENPOXY: 35% epoxy resin of plant origin
  • UNIBODY EDGE: the best connection of deck and hull
  • PAULOWNIA LIGHT: even lighter wood core with the same strength
  • MULTI CHANNELS: grip and control in all situations
  • KATANA CHANNELS: stiffer tips for increased response and restoring force
  • V-SHAPED KEEL: early gliding, buttery soft landings
  • BEVELED DECK: minimized reverse flex and better planning
  • VEE ROCKER: fast without the risk of diving
  • TUCKED UNDER RAILS: more grip and more effective gain in height
  • EQ FIN SET (42MM): perfect grip and high agility
Package Includes:
  • Board
  • 42mm Fins
  • Handle

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Josh S
Definitely feels like a high performance board!

I haven’t had tons of time with this board yet but I am already really enjoying it. Holds an edge really well, and I found the agility great. The board just swallows chop too. You still have tons of control outside of the slicks in more open water. Has tons of pop and it feels orety forgiving on landings as well.

Mark S
Improvement on an Already Great Board

If you are looking to improve your jumps, a dedicated jumping board makes a big difference in getting the pop you need to jump higher. The Choice is my overall favorite jumping board at the moment. The rocker and channeling on the bottom help you load and pop much better than an all around free ride board, and the lightweight construction is easy on your legs and core while in the air. My only complaint with the Choice 5 was that its all black construction made it hard to see when you lost it. The tasteful splash of color that Core has added to the Choice 6 makes it much easier to find.

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