Armstrong A+ System Downwind Performance Front Wing

by Armstrong • SKU 4897115083204
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REAL Review


Our Downwind Performance foil range is bred for the raw energy of deepwater offshore swell.

The first foils in our new Armstrong Performance Series, the Downwind range was specifically developed to race in the SUP downwind division across Hawaii’s interisland channels. Already a proven Molokai2Oahu World Championship podium- finisher under the feet of team rider Oskar Johansson, the DW Performance range is tailored for expert level SUP downwind aficionados seeking next level freedom in open water.

Access ultimate speed

The product of cutting edge hydrodynamics and foil technology.

Project development began with collecting waveform and real-world riding data from Hawaii’s interisland channels to set specific design parameters. Leading fluid dynamics (CFD) resources helped optimise a foil shape that had extreme glide with accessible low end flight speeds for race starts in milder conditions. The result offers incredible top end potential and remarkable stability that only feels better as riding speed increases.

"These foils have a speed range like nothing else I have ridden"
- Okar Johansson (2023 Molokai2Oahu SUP Foil 2nd Place)

“They have a low enough stall speed for getting on foil, but then have an incredibly high top end that allows you to ride the fast open ocean swells. The foils also have a very neutral front and back foot pressure that doesn’t change with different speeds, giving a comfortable feeling at high speeds.”

Performance Series

Our Performance Series represents the pinnacle of Armstrong foiling equipment

Created to push boundaries in design process and material selection, these products invite advanced riders on a truly next-level riding experience.



Package Includes:
  • Wing
  • Cover
  • Hardware

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Oskar J
Armstrong Downwind Foil for downwinding

The speed and glide is pretty much everything when you are downwinding. This new range of DW foils carry the speed a lot further than the HA wings, so you can draw a line forward through the bumps rather than just riding and peeling off like with the old HAs.

The improved top end on the DW foil also means you can cut along bumps harder so you can cut out wider faster which means you can ride when the wind is more onshore. And the top end speed means you can keep up with the open ocean swells which is a completely different line.

Matt Nuzzo
Crazy glide with low speed lift

This foil was maxed for detonates downwind foiling. I’m not good enough to use it downwinding yet but I have surfed, towed and winged the 930 and 755 a bunch.

First thing I noticed was the progressive lift off which is very uncharacteristic for super ha foils like this one. It comes on foil easily and has a surprisingly low stall speed.

Second thing is the just crazy amount of glide. If the wind is at your back you just seem to haul ass and stay on foil. With little pumping input you can keep up in the right zone and stay on foil.

I have been loving it winging as it has crazy upwind and downwind angles on it. Also you can catch and ride the tiny bumps and go forever. I like the 755 for winging as it is really fast and turns better than the 930. I thought that the 755 would be too small as I normally rode the MA1000 winging and it took little to no adjustment.

The 930 I use for the really small stuff and love it for pumping around in small waves or winging in lighter air.

I am riding the dart 140 tail no shim or the surf 205 with the blue shim. Dart is faster and the Surf goes rail to rail better.

The performance mast is a must have since these foils have a ton of span to them.

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