Armstrong Golf Travel Bag

by Armstrong • SKU ARM19GBAG
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Product Information


From Armstrong

Golf bags traditionally travel free...

Now Foilers can enjoy the benefits of a hole-in-one!

Has durable wheels for easy transporting.

Dimensions: 140cm(55") * 60cm(24") * 20cm(8") deep

Bag Weight: 8.2 Lbs

*This bag can fit up to a 4'10" board

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Perfect travel bag for your foil gear

I recently used this bag on a cross country trip and it worked great! This bag is sturdy and well built. The bottom area has nice structure around it so you can be confident tossing the bag in and out of cars or through the airport. The handle on the bottom of the bag next to the wheels is super smart for taking this out of your car! Also I love that it says "High Tech Golf Equipment" at the top, very funny, and helps your chances of getting through the airport without an upcharge from the airlines.

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