Armstrong High Speed Carbon Wing

by Armstrong • SKU ARM19WINGHS625
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Product Information

REAL Review

Armstrong HS (High Speed) Foil Wing Series

  • The wings are shaped for maximum stability and predictability at all speeds.
  • The foil sections have been carefully designed by one of the world’s foremost sport wing designers.
  • Continuous testing and refinement helped us find a combination of planform,

  • leading and trailing edge sweep and the right amount of anhedral curve that delivers super smooth flow, giving a more connected surf like feeling while on the fly.
  • Construction is based around a high-density foam core, which is encapsulated in Aramid cloth before being wrapped with 100% High Modulus Carbon.
  • All Foil kits and separate parts include a protective cover.



The High Speed 625 with its winglet tips is fast and ultra smooth through the water. Speed and stability allows you to carve with confidence either with kite power or riding big waves and swells.

The futuristic tip design is what we believe makes all the difference. The winglets make for a clean tip flow by reducing the wingtip vortices, this improves overall performance and feel when you pile on the speed!

Ideal for Kite foiling, Big wave riding, Tow surfing and Wake foiling.


  • Wing area: 626cm2
  • Wing span: 605mm
  • Weight: 620g


Speed is everything with control, the new HS850 delivers both! Sleek and sexy lines let you know that this wing is sporty and refined at the same time. This relatively small wing has a huge range, it handles high speeds easily and has enough glide and lift to pump.

This is a sick wing for solid surf, Kiting and wing foiling… The combination of its performance attributes give it range and that range makes it versatile. Developed with Kiwi powerhouse Bevan Gooch who is known for ripping in big surf, he reckons the only limitation of this wing is how far the rider dare push it! Sweet handling and pitch control are signature features of that unique Armstrong feeling, the HS850 is another sublime addition to the HS range of wings..


  • Wing area: 850cm2
  • Wing span: 669mm
  • Weight: 720g


The High Speed 1050 wing is a true performance surf wing. Fast, stable, responsive, agile and with great glide make it the perfect choice for carving turns and shredding waves.
Developed form the ultra-successful CF1200 the HS1050 is the logical step for progressive riders wanting to take it to the next level, it's also the perfect partner to the HS1550.

Ideal for medium wave riding, Wing SUP, Windsurfing or wake foiling.


  • Wing area: 1250cm2


The High Speed 1550 wing is our performance surf wing. Super stable, responsive and with great glide make it the choice for carving turns or shredding waves.
Developed form the ultra-successful CF1600 the HS1550 is the logical step for progressive riders wanting to take their riding to the next level, it's the perfect partner for to the CF1200.

Ideal for small to medium wave riding, Wing SUP, Windsurfing or wake foiling.


  • Wing area: 1548cm2 (239 in2)
  • Wing span: 800mm
  • Weight: 1450g


The super sleek High Speed 1850 is the largest performance surf wing in our HS range. It’s fast, stable, has fantastic glide and has incredible response for its size! Perfect for carving turns or shredding up smaller waves then pumping back out for more. For Wing Foiling the HS1850 is perfectly suited, it has amazing range, taking experienced riders from sub 10 knot riding, all the way to 25 knots!


  • Wing area: 1850cm2 (286 in2)
  • Wing span: 940mm
  • Weight: 1350g

HS 232 Tail Wing

HS 232 - 2 in 1 Tail Wing: Our freshly minted and innovative High Speed 232 (212 Chop Shop) Tail Wing is a complete performance upgrade for ALL Armstrong foils. The reduced area and drag make it ideal for higher speed and tighter turning.

Developed hand in hand with the Armstrong HS front wings the 232 helps generate more acceleration and whip so you can be in the right spot

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Gray Pendleton
HS 1550 for Wakesurfing

I have not been able to use the 1550 properly in the ocean (due to my skill level), but have rode the 1550 behind the boat a few times and am blown away! I came from the metal/carbon Slingshot Infinity 76 which was great (or so I thought) until I splurged on the 1550. I am riding ropeless for as long as I want behind the boat, with lots of lift (I am 200lbs). The 1550 has allowed me to pump outside the wake and back in, something that for me was impossible on the Slingshot.

Once you start turning on the Armstrong, you feel like you have so much more control than the Slingshot. You feel on the Slingshot like you are riding it, like once you are turning/carving behind the boat, you have to let the board continue carving, because you just cant control it that well.

With the Armstrong, you feel like you can control and change the direction of the board mid carve. It's a lot more responsive.

The 1550 for me is the ideal wake surf foil. I use a 25LSV but turn the wave to almost zero. I dump all the ballast, have the boat in lift mode, and use the surf gate. Still playing around with the settings. Or I was. I am winterizing this week and heading back to the coast!

Alex Viera
Go-Foil to Armstrong, night and day

190lbs prone foiler. Started with a Go-Foil Kai/Iwa setup and just replaced it with the HS1550/HS1850. Wow, the Armstrong is so smooth,fast, and predictable. When catching waves you have much more control on the drop and the glide is amazing. In my first session I was making drops that I would normally breach or pearl on. Stoked to take my foiling to the next level.

Worth every penny!


The 1850 is nutz! Yes it’s a big wing and wide wing span at 37”. But this thing turns not quite as good as the 1550 but it turns pretty damn good! If your pumping technique is crappy like mine, the 1850 will still get you pumping back out! I was able to do my first double dip today, multiple times. I’m super stoked, while pumping back out I was able to see and feel what good pumping technique should be. The 1850 helps you refine and perfect it, my 1550 I had to exit a wave clean with lots of speed to pump back out! The 1850, if I made it out the back of the wave. I could easily pump back out, awesome wing!

Joey Harpstrite
HS232/HS212 is a Huge Difference

This is a review for the 232 and 212 chop shop tail wing, which I believe is a critical piece of equipment for a experienced surf foiler. The standard 300 tail wing is a more stable wing and what beginner foilers should be using. However, once your at the level where you are connecting multiple waves and starting to perform turns on a wave, this is a great tool to add to your set up. The smaller tail wing makes the foil feel looser and more responsive, allowing you to do sharper turns and surf more aggressively on a wave. It takes several waves to get used to so try not get initially discouraged, but once you get a handle on it -you'll be stoked. I chopped my wing to a 212 and that is all I use in the surf now. I don't think it makes much of a difference in terms of pumping but if your after a looser more responsive foil definitely try it out!

Graham Reed
1850 Test Flight

I had the opportunity to take out the 1850 for a quick Prone session on my giant 74L wing board in waist high gutless surf. My first wave was a 3-1, which is very rare for me, and unheard of on a board with more than twice my normal prone volume. Just insane projection with each pump and very slick/frictionless feeling through the water. I finally felt like I could really chase down far off bumps. Turned amazing too. Really built speed through turns without diving or surging. I can’t wait to try it out winging!

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