NY Times features REAL Kiteboarding

Many you braving New England’s never ending winter may have noticed this Friday’s May 23rd NY Times. For those of you that didn’t, check out the NY Times “Escapes” section pages D1 and D2. On the cover, you’ll find no other than REAL kiteboarding’s Jason Slezak busting a fat indy grab to more than 70 million readers worldwide. For those interested, Jason is riding a Flexifoil Storm 20m kite and a Stretch Custom143cm “Box” kiteboard.

The article, researched and written by NY Times Anna Bahney, accurately describes kiteboarding as a sport one can pick up in a long weekend of instruction, going on to name Cape Hatteras and REAL Kiteboarding as one of the best places to learn to kiteboard in the world. Ryan Riccitelli, editor of Kiteboarding Magazine, said “ If I had to send my mother to learn to kite, I’d send her to Cape Hatteras”. He said these areas are ideal because they have waist deep flat, warm water and consistent wind.

Rounding out the article, Anna focused on REAL’s 3 day Kite Camps as the best way to get into the sport. These three day camps are limited to 6 people, include all the gear, and “On the Fly” coaching to encourage the fastest learning curve for each student.

NY Times Escapes Section

For more info, call our toll free number 866-REAL-548 or 252-987-6000.

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