Armstrong Memory Foam Foot Strap

by Armstrong • SKU ARM19FS
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REAL Review

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Greg Dela Riva

Armstrong foot straps rock!

Travis Tabeling
Best Footstraps

These are the most comfortable straps I have ever worn. If you have a surf or foil board with poly inserts, I would highly recommend these. They are soft and can be stepped on without tripping you up like other bulky straps. Just make sure that you tighten the screws down. The washers are there to prevent the straps from tearing at the screw.

Turns out, not all foot straps are the same

I always figured that foot straps are foot straps, there really isn't a huge difference between different styles. Then the Armstrong straps came out. These ones are super nice and flexible, but while still holding their arch shape which is perfect. It allows you to easily get your feet under them, but also doesn't create issues if you hit your foot on the strap when transitioning.

The different width adjustment options are great as well. I have a size 13 foot, so its hard to find straps that will actually work in the winter while wearing booties, but these work great.

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